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Willkommen zu meinem Shop! Hier findest Du nicht nur alle derzeit erhältlichen Bände von Jabando, sondern auch meine englischen Bücher sowie einige Produkte rund um mein Comic-Pony Rasmus. 

Jabando, Buch Hardcover

Hochwertiges, illustriertes Buch im Hardcover. Für die Inhaltsangabe der einzelnen Bände bitte auf der Startseite nachsehen!


9,95 €

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Weihnachtskarte 'Rasmus'

Klappkarte C6 Querformat mit 'Rasmus' Motiv außen und Bibelvers innen

inkl. Umschlag

Weihnachtskarte 'Rasmus'

1,80 €

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Tasse 'Rasmus'

Tasse, spülmaschinenfest, mit Motiv 'Rasmus' und Bibelvers.

Sammlerstück. Von jeder Edition werden nur 48 Stück produziert. 

Tasse Rasmus

8,50 €

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Survivor, Short Story, Taschenbuch

You won’t find out what happened to her. But you will find out how she handles it. 19 year-old Josie is stuck in boarding school and there are only two ways out: graduate - or commit suicide. It’s not the school that troubles her, but what happened before. And now she has to find a way to live with it. Walk with her through the hallways of the school she calls “the bitch kennel”, through emotional turmoil, unexpected friendship and a passion for painting that leads to the discovery of a strength she had only guessed at before.

Survivor, Taschenbuch

5,29 €

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Taschenbuch, Roman

Out of the Dark, Book 1 of 'The Way of Life' Series

“You’d rather have me wonder what happened to you?” he asked. “You can stop wondering if you want to,” she told him. “But you can’t stop knowing.” Josie would rather bite off her tongue than tell Jim about her past. The past that made her spend a lot of time in clinics and therapy. The past that still gives her nightmares she wakes from screaming. But then the past almost repeats itself.

Only this time, Jim is there to protect her – at a tremendous cost.

The Way of Life, Book 2 of 'The Way of Life' Series

All Josie wants is to lead a normal life. Jim is the first man who makes her feel safe and loved and in Stacey she finds a true best friend. Never before did she have so many caring people around her. But even the deepest love and the best of friends cannot make her past vanish. The past that made her leave New York in search of her real self. The past she keeps dreaming about in violent nightmares. Can anything free her from the untold guilt she carries?

Enter into a story full of emotional turmoil, vivid characters and hope beyond all reason.


12,99 €

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